Drone Spraying Services
Anywhere, Anytime
Cropim connects farmers and agricultural businesses with a global network of drone service providers, offering fast, efficient, and environmentally-friendly crop spraying solutions.
Discover Flyim
Your Ultimate
Drone Flight Assistant
Flyim is your go-to app for ensuring safe and enjoyable drone flights. With real-time weather updates, future weather forecasts, and no-fly zone alerts, Flyim helps drone enthusiasts find the perfect time and place to fly. Whether you're planning a recreational flight or an agricultural spraying session, Flyim provides the crucial weather information you need.

Step into the latest advancements in farming technology and benefit from our drone-based farming services. Make a reservation today and elevate your farming practices to the next level!

Transform Your Agricultural Practices with Our Custom Drone Services

Find Drone-Based Farming Services

Farmers can choose from a range of local and national drone service providers. We'll help you find the one that best meets your needs!


User Reviews and Ratings

Discover real experiences from users. Read reviews and check ratings to select drone operators who deliver the highest quality service.

Aerial view of a drone conducting crop dusting operations, highlighting cost-effective farming solutions.

Easy Reservation Process

Make reservations quickly through our platform. The service provider you choose will help you determine the most convenient time.


Reliable and Quality Service

Your chosen service provider will visit your field and perform pesticide spraying, fertilization, or seeding using top-quality drone technology. Once the operation is complete, you'll receive confirmation.

Increased Efficiency

Prevent up to 5% of crop loss.


Reduce your costs by up to 4 times.

Environmentally Friendly

Save up to 10 times on energy and time.

Cropim App

Revolutionize Your Farming with Drone Tech On Demand

Join the green revolution with Cropim, the world's premier mobile app providing on-demand drone-based agriculture services. Our platform enables you to schedule essential farming tasks like pesticide spraying, fertilization, and seeding with minimal environmental impact. By optimizing resource usage and reducing waste, Cropim not only provides a reliable, efficient, and cost-effective solution to your farming needs, but also contributes to a healthier planet.

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